This summer I found myself in a small apartment in Chicago with tons of time on my hands. (One of my daughters was at a dance workshop) I bought a notebook and started dreaming. On the front page I wrote some goals and put time frames to them. Then, because of the quiet, I was able to create an action plan to start chasing them. Just these few moments of quiet and reflection lit a fire in me to get some things done!
To date, three of the four goals I set in that simple yellow spiral have come to be! This blog being launched, my ballet book being in the editing phase by year end and finding a way to minister to moms (launched a new non-profit for working moms with a group of women). The forth one, is a longer term goal and requires a bit more family participation to accomplish. Stay tuned…
The biggest enemy of our dreams is distraction. There are a million great things we can do, but very few of them are actually what we are supposed to be doing. I know it’s almost impossible with little ones, but I challenge you to find quiet. Even just 5 minutes after they go to bed to think, dream, write, reflect. NOT check social media, pin 10 birthday party ideas, watch some show… but really just be quiet and focus on you.
Dream and Write it Down
Take a pen and a piece of paper and think about what really fires you up. What passion in you is God stirring for something He wants changed in our world? Write it down. No matter how crazy or out of reach it is, write it down. All those ideas you have when you are supposed to be sleeping… write them down.
During the quiet time that you have planned for, create some action steps to chase these dreams. It can literally be one phone call a day, or scheduling a meeting with a few like minded friends, or taking one online class this semester. The dream can take time to accomplish, but if you do nothing it will never be!
Lies that will hold you back
- this is selfish: No! You are balancing the unique things you were created for with the responsibilities and obligations you have.
- this is too much: No! You are taking a designated amount of time and energy each day/week to focus on this and the progress may be slow but you are doing it!
- this is stupid: No! I promise you there are hundreds of other people with the same passion/concern/desire as you. If you feel a tug on your heart to do something it’s because it’s part of who you were made to be… and that’s never stupid!
- this isn’t the time: No! There will always be excuses. You have to find a way to make the time – even if it’s 5 minutes a week! This is who you were created to be…it’s always the right time to be you!